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$20 Only!
Metatrons Cube Orgone Pendant

Metatrons Cube Orgone Pendant
Orgone Pendants

Price: CAD $20

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Metatrons Cube is the symbol for Archangel Metatron. His symbol is consider a Holy Glyph to ward off negative beings. Many of friends call on Archangel Metatron so I thought that putting his symbol into a pendant would allow a person to carry his energy with them throught the day.


These Pendants are $20 Canadian which is about $16 US, $14 Euros, and shipping is free to USA & Canada. 


The crystals I use are: clear quartz, rutilated quartz, rose quartz, blue kyanite, black kyanite, sodalite, black tourmaline, bornite, pyrite, red jasper, serpentine, hematite, shungite and selenite.


They come in the following colors: clear, blue, green, and violet


There are 7 string colors to choose from: Blue, Green, Turquoise, Pink, Purple, Black and Yellow.